Open-Source Projects


[Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash]


Providing a handpicked selection of my FOSS projects below. For a complete list, please checkout my Github. If you like what you see here or there, kindly consider encouraging my journey with aBMC. Your support matters 💚



Terminal-based, secure chatrooms using IPFS. Works over both LAN and internet (includes NAT traversal). Supports private-messaging and file/directory sharing. Server/broker-less, peer-to-peer, decentralized. This project is featured in Awesome IPFS and Awesome Decentralized.


Peer-to-peer, secure, TCP/UDP port forwarding using HTTP(s) relay for NAT/firewall traversal.


Bash scripting library + CLI + Connection-pool for Redis. This is included in the official list of clients maintained by Redis Ltd..

Expose http-servers (web-apps) with IPNS. Hassle and cost-free, yet secure, self-hosting for everybody. Additional benefits – anonymity, censorship-resistance, efficient live streaming etc. This project won a 5000 USD Next Step Microgrant from Protocol Labs.


Markdown Table of Contents Generator.


Git and Bash Based Encrypted Remote Interactive Shell (GiBBERISh). For when you cannot use SSH. Project page here.


Progress bar, ETA etc. for simulations.


Simple Bash library for building a basic HTTP server.

Map URLs to custom links. A custom URL shortener. Built using SerTAin.

Publish dynamic multiaddresses of private or isolated nodes using IPNS. Benefits - Bandwidth savings; Avoiding DDNS; Securely exposing localhost behind NAT.


Shell-script (Bash) with functions relevant to 2FA. Compatible with Google Authenticator.


A KISS library for extending standard Fortran in a portable way. Very much a work in progress.


A simple shell-script for interactive UI.


Generate strong password of any given width from any given text or master password


TODO list for any git branch. Read file header for installation and usage.